Its been just over a month since we welcomed our new Year 7 students into our school and they have had a great start!
Two of our Year 7 students wanted to share with you their experience of starting Year 7 at Pedmore High School.
Lola - Year 7 Student
Hello, I’m Lola and I went to Rufford Primary School. My experience at Pedmore has been great so far and I have enjoyed meeting new friends and teachers. In form time we usually do fun activities which helps us get to know each other better and it’s nice to spend time with your classmates and form teacher before lessons start.
My favourite lessons are Art, Science and English. I like art because you get to draw a lot of different things and learn about different types of shading techniques. I enjoy science because I have a lot of fun doing practical experiments and learning about the human body. In English I’ve learnt how to become a descriptive and clear writer.
During lunch time there are places where you can eat and spend time with friends. There are lots of fun activities like table tennis, football and socialising. The canteen food is really nice and there are a lot of different choices to pick from like pasta, wraps, chips, cookies, cakes and other nice things.
The older years are really helpful, if you ever get lost you can always ask them for guidance. Every Tuesday we have a few older students come into our form class and play fun activities with us. This helps us get to know the older years and because of this we are not nervous to ask them for help.
Homework is useful as it helps us recap things that we did in our subjects and helps us learn how to be more independent.
Thanks for reading this blog, I hope you found it useful. Pedmore is a great place to be.
Reece - Year 7 Student
Hello my name is Reece and I went to Caslon Primary School. My time at Pedmore so far has been great, it is so easy to make friends here and the food is really good. The teachers are all nice especially Mr McGlade (our Head of Year) and Mr Fisher.
Everybody is helpful at Pedmore and if you ever get lost students and staff always will help you find your way. When you do have any issues, you can report them to your tutor or teachers and they will help.
The lessons are really interesting and I like maths in particular as I have learnt a lot more content about maths since starting here.
I have really enjoyed the after-school clubs and I go to Rugby, Swimming and Football but there are clubs in all the subjects like Drama, Board Games and Computer Club.
During lunchtime I have lots of choices for food and I enjoy playing football and sitting with my friends on the picnic benches in the playground. I have worked with the Sports Leaders in PE during after school clubs and I would like to be a Sports Leader in the future.
I walk to school with friends every day and I enjoy doing this because I get to talk to my friends and have fun.
I think Pedmore is a great school and I would recommend others to come here.