Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium at Pedmore
Pupil Premium Strategy Strategy 2021-2024
Key Aims: At Pedmore High School we aim to allow all students the opportunity to have access to correct support, guidance and curriculum in order to narrow the disadvantage gap and increase achievement.
Pupil Premium Lead
Miss C. Papadopoullos- Deputy Headteacher.
The Government has allocated a specific pupil premium grant to every school. For the academic year 2021-2022 Pedmore High School was allocated £244,500. Proportion of pupil premium students is 37%
For the academic year 2022-2023, Pedmore High School has been allocated £278,681. 36% of students at Pedmore High School are Pupil Premium.
This funding is in addition to our main school budget and is allocated within objectives as below:
To support disadvantaged students with curriculum enrichment activities.
To support disadvantaged students with improved levels of well being, attendance and behaviour.
To support disadvantaged students with alternative education opportunities.
To support disadvantaged students in their curriculum through teaching and learning.
Below are examples of some of the projects that have been undertaken.
Further detail can be found in the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.
WBA Mentoring Programme
Wolves Mentoring Programme
Year 11 mentoring programme
Accelerated reader programme
Catch up numeracy programme
Catch up Literacy programme
Structured form time Numeracy Programme.
Structured form time Literacy Programme.
SAM learning
Staff CPD.
ASPIRE 90 programme
Pastoral Support Managers and an attendance officer.
Counselling, anti-bullying programmes, individual pastoral interventions, careers guidance and student leadership opportunities.
Opportunities for university trips.
Collaboration with INVICTUS schools with regard to best practice.
All support and interventions received by students are on a needs led basis. Comprehensive records are kept to show more details of each of the interventions that take place.
To download our latest Privacy notice which explains how we use pupil information, click here.
To download information about Pupil Premium click the PDF